The Econometric Society (ES), EconJobMarket.org (EJM), National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) and SERI will be organising an Indian Job Market for Economists meeting on 21-23 December 2022 in NCAER, New Delhi. For details, please see:
An informational presentation and the info book.
Recording of information session conducted on October 28, 2022. YouTube. Martin Osborne’s address to recruiters: YouTube. Reflections on the job market by Sugat Chaturvedi: Slides.
How will IJME work?
IJME is a platform to facilitate the matching of young economists and PhD candidates to Indian universities, research institutions, government agencies, and private sector organisations. The job market for economists in India is currently fragmented and works in a decentralised fashion. IJME aims to solve coordination problems among job seekers and potential recruiters and allow for a more efficient flow of information.
IJME will start in September and conclude in December. It will operate in four stages:
September 15 to November 15: Recruiters register at EJM and post job advertisements. EJM will serve as a central electronic repository for job-market advertisements, application materials and reference letters.
September 16 to November 25: Candidates register at EJM and apply for jobs as and when they are posted. EJM makes it easy for candidates to upload their job-market ‘package’: curriculum vitae, job-market papers, etc. References can also upload their letters of recommendation on EJM.
November 26 to December 15: Recruiters review job market packages and shortlist candidates for online or in-person interviews. EJM supports online interview scheduling.
December 21 to December 23: In-person interviews take place in Delhi. NCAER will provide logistical support and arrange meeting rooms for the recruiters. Interview slots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. IJME strongly recommends that online interviews are also conducted in the same 3-day window.
Candidates and letter writers: Registration is free for all candidates. For details, please see EJM’s information for candidates. Establishing a user account, and submitting and managing recommendations by letter writers is also free.
Recruiters: Recruiters can choose between three options.
All academic/educational institutions and non-profits can take advantage of the free advertisement tier (called ‘minimal ad’). The first ad is free for even for-profit organizations. Please note that minimal ads are shown to candidates who are logged into EJM.
To display advertisements publicly, even when candidates are not logged into EJM, recruiters have to pay between $0 and $600 depending on the type of organization and whether this is your first time using EJM.
Finally, featured advertisements that are prominently displayed on EJM’s website cost between $270 and $1200, depending on organisation type and first use. For more details about fee structure, please see EJM’s System Overview and Fees.
Informational Webinar
SERI and EJM organized an online information session to clarify any doubts or questions that either representatives of recruiting institutions or job market candidates have about IJME. The info session was held on Friday, October 28, 2022, from 8 PM IST to 10:10 PM IST. A recording of the session is available on YouTube. A brief outline of the program was as follows:
8-8:30 PM IST - Presentation by Martin J. Osborne (University of Toronto), Director and Chief Information Officer of EJM - address to recruiters
8:30-9 PM IST - Presentation by Joel Watson (UC San Diego), Director and Chief Executive Officer of EJM - address to job market candidates
9-9:30 PM IST - Open Questions and Answers
9:30-9:50 PM IST - Discussion with the Head of the Economics Department at IIT Kanpur (Vimal Kumar) and Ashoka University (Ratul Lahkar) who have participated in the US Econ Job Market as recruiters
9:50-10:10 PM IST - Discussion with 2 recent graduates in Economics - Garima Agarwal (postdoc at Gottingen University) and Sugat Chaturvedi (postdoc at Sussex University). (Sugat’s slides).
About IJME’s Partners
Econometric Society: ES is an international society for the advancement of economic theory in its relation to statistics and mathematics.
EconJobMarket.org: EJM displays advertisements for positions for economists with doctoral degrees as well as pre-doc and research assistant positions. Advertisers have the option to collect applications on the site, which offers a comprehensive system for reviewing applications. EJM is a non-profit charity.
National Council of Applied Economic Research: NCAER is India’s oldest and largest independent, non-profit, economic policy research think tank.
Society for Economics Research in India: SERI promotes research collaboration, intellectual exchange and critique among economists in India