SERI was set up in 2015 to create a community of scholars in India to promote research collaboration, information sharing and peer critique. The main platform for pursuing this goal is an annual workshop where members and other invited speakers can present their ongoing research to each other and receive feedback. The workshop is conceived to allow greater engagement than is possible under the usual conference format. A small number of papers are discussed and longer time slots allow detailed exposition and discussion. SERI also organizes a workshop for Ph.D. students and future plans include more specialized workshops and collaboration with funders interested in disseminating research results in narrower fields. Starting 2022, SERI will also be organzing an Indian Job Market in collaboration with the Econometric Society (ES), (EJM), National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) to facilitate matching of PhD economists and prospective employers.
A group of about a dozen faculty drawn from different specializations and departments across the country volunteers to organize SERI’s activities. The core group collectively makes decisions, formulates policy and plans new initiatives. The current members of this group are:

Additionally, the following scholars are advisors to SERI:

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